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Strapi vs Payload - A Comprehensive Comparison

Strapi vs Payload - A Comprehensive Comparison

Strapi and Payload are the two popular emerging headless CMS platforms. Check out this blog for the detailed comparison between Strapi and Payload.

Strapi vs Payload - A Comprehensive Comparison

August 26, 2024
11:30 am
In today's constantly evolving content management landscape, choosing the right headless platform is crucial to manage data effectively. In this blog, we will delve into a detailed comparison of two popular headless CMS options, Strapi and Payload, exploring their strengths and weaknesses to help you make an informed decision based on your business objectives.

Overview of Strapi

Strapi is a free and open-source headless CMS that offers a user-friendly interface with a drag-and-drop content builder and visual configuration options. This makes it a particularly favourite choice for content editors and developers with beginner CMS experience. Strapi provides a robust set of built-in features, including user management, plugins, a media library, and draft & publish workflows.

Introduction to Payload

Payload is a flexible headless CMS platform designed to empower developers in building applications with custom features and modules. It leverages JavaScript for configuration, granting a comprehensive control over the development process. While Payload offers core CMS functionalities, its focus lies on extensibility, allowing developers to build custom features through plugins and integrations.

Core Features and Functionalities

Defining roles and giving limited access for each team member within the CMS settings

Strapi Payload
Content Modeling: A flexible content modeling system allows for the creation of custom content types with various fields (text, images, rich text, etc.). Flexible Schema: Create custom data models using JavaScript, offering granular control over content structure.
User Management: Built-in user management with role-based access control (RBAC) for granular permissions. User Management: Built-in user management with RBAC for managing permissions.
Media Library: A centralized repository for storing and managing media assets. Media Library: A media library for storing and managing images and other media assets.
Plugins: A rich ecosystem of plugins for extending functionality (e.g., SEO, analytics, payment gateways and support for multilingual content) Extensibility: A plugin system and a developer-friendly architecture for building custom features.
API: A RESTful API with GraphQL support for fetching and managing content. API: A GraphQL API for fetching and managing content, with strong support for customization.

Unique Functionalities

Strapi offers a user-friendly interface, making content creation accessible to a wider range of users. While Payload also provides intuitive tools, its focus on a visual editing experience, allowing direct manipulation of content without switching between interfaces, offers a more streamlined content management workflow. This approach enhances productivity and efficiency for content creators.

User Experience and Interface


Strapi offers a user-friendly interface, making content management accessible to a wide range of users. Its drag-and-drop builder for content types and a clean admin panel make it accessible to a wide range of users. However, as the complexity of a project grows, the interface might become less intuitive.

Intuitive User Experience for editing and creating CMS items - Payload

Payload provides a clean interface that caters to both content creators and developers. While Strapi focuses on a visual approach, Payload offers a balance of visual tools and code-based customization, empowering users with different skill sets to effectively manage content.

Strapi prioritizes user-friendliness with a visual interface, while Payload offers a balanced approach catering to both users and developers with a combination of visual tools and customization options.

Set Up and Installation

Strapi Payload
Strapi offers a streamlined setup and installation process, making it accessible to developers of all levels. Payload's setup requires more technical involvement. It necessitates a Node.js environment and a basic understanding of project structure.
A pre-configured starter project can be quickly generated using the Strapi CLI, providing a solid foundation for development. While this approach offers greater flexibility, it might present a tricky learning curve for developers unfamiliar with these technologies.
Configuration options are presented through a user-friendly interface, simplifying the process of customizing database connections, environment variables, and other settings. Configuration is primarily handled through code, requiring more in-depth knowledge of JavaScript and Node.js.

While Strapi prioritizes ease of use, Payload emphasizes developer control, which influences the complexity of their respective setup processes.

Content Management Capabilities

Content Management User interface for editing nested collection items - Strapi

Strapi excels at providing a user-friendly content management experience. Its drag-and-drop interface for creating content types and managing content is intuitive and efficient. The platform offers pre-built content types for common use cases, accelerating development time. However, for complex content structures or highly customized workflows, Strapi's limitations might become apparent.


Payload offers a more flexible approach to content management, granting developers full control over the content modeling process. By leveraging JavaScript, developers can define custom content types, fields, and relationships to match specific project requirements. While this flexibility demands more development effort, it also enables the creation of highly tailored content management solutions.

Strapi prioritizes user-friendly content management with a visual interface, while Payload offers precise control through code for complex content structures.

API and Extensibility


Strapi provides a RESTful API out of the box, offering a straightforward way to interact with content. While customization options are available through plugins, the core API structure is relatively fixed. This makes it a suitable choice for projects with standard API requirements.

Different API routes with their names and method type for CRUD operation - Payload

Payload's GraphQL API offers exceptional flexibility and customization. Developers have granular control over the data returned by the API, optimizing performance and tailoring responses to specific needs. This makes Payload an ideal choice for complex applications requiring highly customized data fetching.

Strapi offers a RESTful API for basic content access, while Payload provides a flexible GraphQL API for advanced data manipulation and customization.

Customization and Flexibility


Strapi offers a decent level of customization through plugins and configuration options. However, its core architecture is less flexible compared to Payload. While it suits many projects, highly customized requirements might necessitate significant development effort.

Customization option shown for all types of data - Payload

Payload excels in customization. Its JavaScript-based architecture provides unparalleled flexibility to modify core functionalities and build custom features. This makes it a preferred choice for projects demanding high levels of customization.

Strapi offers customization through plugins, while Payload provides unparalleled flexibility with its JavaScript-based architecture for tailored solutions.

Performance and Scalability

Dashboard to get started for creating scalable applications - Strapi

Strapi generally delivers solid performance for most projects. Its architecture is designed to handle moderate traffic loads. For high-traffic applications, careful optimization and scaling might be required.


Payload's architecture is optimized for performance and scalability. Its focus on developer control allows for fine-tuning performance based on specific project needs. This makes it a suitable choice for applications with demanding performance requirements.

Strapi offers solid performance for most projects, while Payload excels in performance and scalability, especially for high-traffic applications.

Security Features


Strapi offers built-in security features, including role-based access control (RBAC) and authentication. While these features provide a solid foundation, additional security measures might be necessary for high-security applications.

Screen showcasing live preview of Checkout page - Payload

Payload provides a robust security framework with granular control over user permissions and data access. This flexibility allows developers to implement custom security measures tailored to specific project requirements.  

Strapi offers basic security features, while Payload provides a comprehensive security framework with enterprise-level capabilities

Cost Analysis

Strapi and Payload both offer robust free open-source versions, providing a solid foundation for most projects. While both platforms offer paid plans for additional features and support, the core functionalities are largely accessible without incurring costs.

Use Cases and Real-World Examples 

To truly understand the impact of headless CMS platforms, let's explore how Strapi and Payload have helped brands achieve their goals in real-world scenarios.


Strapi's intuitve interface and feature set have made it a popular choice for businesses seeking to streamline their content management processes.

One prime example is PostHog, a product analytics platform. PostHog leveraged Strapi to build a robust community hub, encompassing a forum, roadmap, and changelog. By utilizing Strapi's intuitive content modeling and management capabilities, PostHog was able to create a seamless experience for their users, fostering engagement and growth.


Payload's developer-centric approach and flexibility have enabled it to power complex and innovative applications. Microsoft's adoption of Payload for their AI design tool is a testament to the platform's capabilities. By harnessing Payload's customization options, Microsoft was able to create a highly tailored content management solution that perfectly aligned with the unique requirements of their AI-driven project, resulting in a groundbreaking tool for designers.


Selecting the optimal headless CMS for your project requires careful consideration of factors such as user experience, developer control, performance, and scalability. While Strapi offers a user-friendly approach, Payload's focus on developer experience and customization positions it as a powerful choice for building complex and scalable applications.

Key considerations to keep in mind:

  • Ease of use: Strapi offers a great user-friendly interface but Payload provides a more intuitive interface for large scale applications.
  • Customization: Payload provides unparalleled flexibility for developers.
  • Performance: Payload is generally optimized for performance, while Strapi requires careful optimization for high-traffic applications.
  • Security: Both platforms offer solid security features, but Payload provides more precise control.
  • Cost: Both offer free open-source options with additional paid tiers for enterprise features and support.

Final Thoughts

As the first and only official Payload CMS partners in Asia, we at UPDOT® possess in-depth expertise in leveraging this platform to create exceptional digital experiences. Our team of experts are passionate about cracking applications that help build businesses. We are here to guide you all the way through the selection and implementation process.

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